Activist Jeje Forced to Flee: Police Pursuit Over Uganda Parliament Exhibition Advocacy.

By HICGI Staff – Updated at 10:09 EAT on Tuesday 27th Feb 2024.

Courtesy Photo: Activist Josh Jeje

Agathar Atuhaire, an outspoken activist, has raised alarm over the increased arrests threats of fellow activist Josh Jeje, who was allegedly tipped off about a pending arrest by the police. Atuhaire’s distressing account sheds light on the climate of fear and intimidation faced by activists and dissenting voices in Uganda, where arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances are all too common.

In a heartfelt plea, Atuhaire revealed that Josh Jeje had been forced to flee his home after receiving information that the police were waiting to apprehend him. The reasons behind the alleged arrest remain unclear, prompting concerns about the lack of transparency and accountability in Uganda’s law enforcement agencies.

Atuhaire expressed dismay at the prevailing atmosphere of fear and insecurity, where individuals are compelled to flee their homes to avoid persecution and potential harm. She highlighted the chilling effect of such actions on freedom of expression and the right to dissent, emphasizing the need for authorities to respect and uphold these fundamental rights.

The reported involvement of security forces in targeting activists like Josh Jeje raises serious questions about the state of democracy and human rights in Uganda. Atuhaire called on the authorities to clarify the allegations against Josh Jeje and ensure his safe return to his family.

Furthermore, Atuhaire rejected accusations of demonizing political figures, asserting that activists are merely informing the public about the actions and conduct of their leaders. She emphasized the importance of holding leaders accountable and promoting transparency in governance, despite the risks involved.

As the situation unfolds, Atuhaire and other activists remain undeterred in their pursuit of justice and accountability. Despite facing threats and intimidation, they vow to continue speaking out against injustice and defending the rights of all Ugandans.

In conclusion, the forced disappearance of activist Josh Jeje underscores the challenges faced by activists and dissenting voices in Uganda. Atuhaire’s call for transparency and accountability from the authorities reflects the urgent need to address human rights violations and uphold the rule of law in the country. As the international community watches closely, pressure mounts on Ugandan authorities to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens, including activists like Josh Jeje, who bravely advocate for change.

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