Ugandan Business Mogul Dubbed “New Pablo Escobar” Accused of Extensive Tax Evasion and Exploitative Practices.

By Makana Kennedy Ndyamuhaki – Updated at 09:51 EAT on Thursday 14th March 2024

Courtesy Photo: Business Mogul Drake Lubega

In a shocking exposé, Ugandan businessman Drake Lubega has been likened to notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar for his alleged involvement in extensive tax evasion schemes and exploitative practices within the country’s real estate sector. Lubega, who reportedly owns over 50 arcades in Kampala and its suburbs, stands accused of wielding unchecked power and influence, leading to rampant corruption and financial losses for the government.

According to whistleblowers, Lubega has allegedly cultivated a network of bribery and corruption, extending his influence to government agencies such as the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) and various law enforcement bodies. It is claimed that Lubega bribes commissioners, workers, and staff members to turn a blind eye to his illicit activities, including tax evasion and labor law violations.

Tenants of Lubega’s arcades have also come forward with allegations of exploitation, citing arbitrary rent increases and the absence of formal tenancy agreements. Many claim to have been coerced into accepting lower rental rates initially, only to face exorbitant hikes in subsequent months without recourse. Furthermore, Lubega is accused of underreporting rental income to URA, depriving the government of significant tax revenue.

Disturbing reports have emerged regarding Lubega’s treatment of employees, particularly young women who are allegedly subjected to precarious working conditions without contracts, benefits, or job security. Pregnant employees claim to have been summarily dismissed from their positions, highlighting a pattern of disregard for labor rights and basic human decency.

Despite mounting evidence and complaints submitted to authorities, Lubega is said to operate with impunity, instilling fear among those who seek to challenge his authority. Demonstrations against his alleged malpractices have reportedly been met with retaliation, including shop closures and intimidation tactics.

Calls for intervention and accountability have grown louder, with individuals urging authorities to investigate Lubega’s activities and hold him accountable for his alleged crimes. Whistleblowers have offered to provide evidence, including altered receipts and witness testimonies, to support their claims and expose the extent of Lubega’s operations.

As the allegations against Drake Lubega continue to reverberate across Uganda, the spotlight remains on the need for transparency, accountability, and justice in combating corruption and protecting the rights of citizens. The urgency to address systemic issues of tax evasion and exploitation has never been clearer, as Ugandans demand action to hold accountable those who exploit their positions of power for personal gain.

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